Lean, Six Sigma, TOC implementation
Any change related to customers like delivery timelines, cost, and quality is always tough and has a direct impact on customer experience. On contrary, the one thing which the organization has complete control over is operational efficiency. By the ability to deliver the same output, of the same quality, same customer experience with optimum resources gives the organization a healthy financial situation over the competition. Also, it is proven that lean organizations deliver much better to their customers as well.
“Though there are many tools and methodologies which could support an organization achieve operational excellence, three methodologies tops it all namely Lean, Six Sigma, and TOC”
– Alvis Lazarus
Key services part of Lean, Six Sigma, TOC implementation strategy :
The prime focus is to eliminate all the waste in the supply chain; it includes excess inventory, excess motion, defects, unwanted transportation, over processing and over production. Also, everything that is not aligned with the voice of customer and voice of business or also considered waste. Using the powerful lean tools like value stream mapping, the wastes are eliminated from the supply chain.
The one thing which every organization wants to achieve is being consistent on whatever they do. This may sound so simple but being consistent has a direct correlation with how a customer perceive a business. It is also proven that consistency is always directly correlated with the brand reputation. The one tool which can help an organization on being consistent is Six Sigma. One of the unique thing with Six Sigma is the ability to use multiple quantitative and analytical tools to arrive at the right business decisions.
Theory of constraints say that the organization cannot be stronger than its weakest link. Single most powerful tool part of TOC is the value stream mapping. Using VSM, the current state mapping is completed, then the current state map is stress tested using voice of customer, voice of business, critical to quality, and critical to business to arrive at the tombstones that is nothing but the bottlenecks. Leveraging the Proven techniques and methodologies plus tools like Six Sigma and lean these bottlenecks or de-bottlenecked. That the bottleneck state is nothing but the targeted future state map. Further, TOC drives the organization towards the targeted future state map by prioritizing focusing, problem-solving and solution implementation for the bottleneck areas. And this cycle repeats.